Ekai, with its name derived from the french word écaille, was conceived with the intention of creating lightweight jewelry akin to a second skin. Digital fabrication skills picked up during my architectural coursework were redirected into making accessories of diverse materials. These were then presented and sold at various markets such as the Market of Artists and Designers (MAAD), Public Garden market and The Local People market. Products are also sold online here. All following photos represents a portion of the products that have been sold at these markets, all entirely handmade by myself. Ekai has been a valuable self-education journey for me to understand new materials and techniques — gliding, leather burnishing and many more.
leatherAssorted nubuck, gold-leaf/silver-leaf glided accessories.
ECO-FeltEco-felt is derived from acrylic waste and slightly stiffened.
AcRYLICLaser-cut acrylic accessories.
packagingDisplay cards used for presentation and for holding accessories.